

Due to some very unforeseen circumstances, a couple of teachers on our original team can't make it to camp this year.  

We whole-heartedly respect their needs to take care of themselves and their families in whatever ways they see fit!  

We are witches and we weave spells of flexibility and resourcefulness as we navigate our way to a new fantastic teaching configuration.  Stay tuned for more info!


My name is Flame and I use she/her as my pronouns. I was born in the San Francisco Bay Area and have lived here all my life. I moved to San Francisco city in 1977 and became a punk rocker involved in the early days of the San Francisco punk rock, leather, and kink scene and had a band named Animal Things. I am part of BASiL (Bay Area Sober in Leather) and am a titleholder for them. I am SF Sober Kinkster 2018. I am a published author, most recently in the anthology by Gede Parma called "Elements of Magic" in which I wrote the chapter on Divination. I also have a memoir/novel called "Our Lady of the Gutters".

In 1990 I discovered the Worship of the Goddess. I  started going to public rituals at Reclaiming San Francisco.

I took Elements, Iron, Pearl and Rites of Passage classes and for many years taught them. I was involved in the Pagan Cluster in direct political actions.

I am also a Feri practitioner.

I served my community on the SF Ritual Planning Cell and The Wheel.

I was initiated and taught at WitchCamps, and am ecstatic to teach at Pleasures of Beltane.

In 1977 I began my journey in the leather, BDSM, and kink communities. I am experienced in rope bondage, impact play, Electro play(as a sub/bottom) and fantasy role play scenes like "The Robber and the Princess" as well as many other kink centered play. My primal self is a Crow, always talking and enthralled by shiny things. I have been doing sex magic for 20 years and my clothing fetish is shiny stuff; rubber, PVC, and chainmail. I am experienced in C/NC play, and love sharp shiny things like knives. I like my ecstatic sexual and sensual magic rituals to include a sense of adventure and fear. I love when my Dom makes me fall over and then catches me before I hit anything.

I identify as a sub, I love the feeling of surrendering myself completely with trust and enthusiastic consent with my play partners. I am a trans woman polyamorous and pan sexual.

I am a coach for those affected by addictions at Rediscovery Coach. rediscovery-coach.com/


Hi, y’all! My name is Jynx (she/her), and I live in the rightful lands of the Haudenosaunee, Osage, Shawnee, Hopewell, Seneca, and Monongahela peoples - what is now known as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in Turtle Island/U.S.A. As an active member within the local Reclaiming community and SpiralHeart witchcamp, I strive to live each aspect of my life with radical authenticity in this anarcho-feminist social justice tradition as it grows in love and accountability. I have (thankfully) completed my 3-year term of service as Spiralheart's BIPOC Mentor.

I am a polyamorous bisexual, sub-leaning switch, rope bunny, exhibitionist and voyeur, and an adorably mischievous Brat. As a passionate writer, poet, storyteller, and ritual dramatist, I absolutely love crafting language as a spiritual offering and as a means of better coming to know Spirit and Self. The foundation of my witchcraft is the importance of Story and Myth in understanding not only who we are and who we’ve been, but also who we have the potential to be. My practice is rooted in devotional poetry, dreamwork, bibliomancy, and rhapsodomancy as personal daily practice. An avid researcher, belly dancer, full-spectrum doula, and activist for comprehensive sex education and reproductive rights, I work primarily with Persephone and Inanna. Having entered my Saturn Return in 2023 and begun Initiation, I am working to heal my individual and generational trauma by connecting more with ancestral traditions, which for me, means exploring relationships with ancestors of blood and entities from my heritages, currently including Anansi and Brigid. I can't wait to share my love of sex magic, ritual erotism, and conscious kink with other curious and adventurous spirits!"

Shel Stefan (they/them)

Shel Stefan is a Chicago-born queer, transmasc, nonbinary artist of Italian and Austrian settler descent who now lives on the traditional territory of the Stó:lō people outside of what is known as Vancouver, BC. They live rurally at a lake cabin and spend their time in awe and tandem with the ecosystem and magic of the lake and land, making and teaching art, growing food, wrangling their pack of sweet dogs, adoring their beloved crush, doing grandpa things, and splitting/chopping/stacking firewood to keep their home warm.

Shel’s creative practice has investigated notions of the beloved, gender, sexuality, queer identity, witchcraft, and kink for almost 30 years. They have exhibited, performed, and presented their artwork in Italy, China, Canada, and the United States, and have taught all levels of drawing and painting to people of all ages and abilities for about 3 decades. Shel is an Associate Professor of Painting and Drawing in the School of Creative Arts at the University of the Fraser Valley.

Shel’s approach to kink and magic is rooted in creativity and sensory expression and they believe that art has the capacity to achieve, hold, and explore deep components of this terrain.